A Game of SKATE or SCOOT

ATBShop Skate Warehouse Game Of Skate

Starting on the 26th of April and every fortnight after – ATBShop Skate Warehouse will be holding a leader board style event.

Hosted by Luke Prout, there will be fun monthly prizes for the winners in both the Scoot and skate category’s and of course the satisfaction of seeing your name in the number one spot! Starting from 6pm every other Friday, participants will be placed into group’s dependent on their ability and discipline. The groups will be battling it out with one another in several games of S.K.A.T.E OR S.C.O.O.T until a winner is found.

We’ve played several games of S.K.A.T.E and S.C.O.O.T before in the Warehouse and they’ve always been really popular and extremely competitive, with loads of skaters etc pushing themselves to the limit, so you won’t be disappointed by the night!

If you fancy joining in then there is no need to book! Just turn up from 6pm every other Friday! If you’re not sure if it’s on then call us on 01793 523244.