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Foil Wings - ATBShop - Special Offers

Foil Wings are a crossover of windsurfing, kitesurfing and foiling giving a very hands on direct power source for hydrofoil or sup riding. This new sport simplifies the art of flight through the water.
These are great standard parts sourced by ourselves at ATBShop for great value and quality without any excess branding!
sale ATBShop - SIC Raptor Air Flysurfer MOJO 5.2 Wing Foil Package

ATBShop SIC Raptor Air Flysurfer MOJO 5.2 Wing Foil Package

This is a great package deal for starting out Wing Foiling and unsure where to start! Great wing, inflatable or rigid board and modular foil you can update or change as you progress.
£2640.00 - £2935.00
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