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Foil Wings - Special Offers

Foil Wings are a crossover of windsurfing, kitesurfing and foiling giving a very hands on direct power source for hydrofoil or sup riding. This new sport simplifies the art of flight through the water.
sale ATBShop - SIC Raptor Air Flysurfer MOJO 5.2 Wing Foil Package

ATBShop SIC Raptor Air Flysurfer MOJO 5.2 Wing Foil Package

This is a great package deal for starting out Wing Foiling and unsure where to start! Great wing, inflatable or rigid board and modular foil you can update or change as you progress.
£2640.00 - £2935.00
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sale ATBShop - SIC Raptor Air Flysurfer MOJO 5.2 Wing Foil Package

ATBShop SIC Raptor Air Flysurfer MOJO 5.2 Wing Foil Package

This is a great package deal for starting out Wing Foiling and unsure where to start! Great wing, inflatable or rigid board and modular foil you can update or change as you progress.
£2640.00 - £2935.00
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