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Cody Folm huge list of achievements include 2nd place at Nitro World Games, 2nd place at AUS Pro Series, 6th place in the 2018 ISA World Championship, and his countless wins in North America, he has already made his mark in the scootering world, and continues to excel. Cody's favorite verse from the bible, John 16:33 is placed on the side of the deck, It's a constant reminder and motivator for Cody to always do his best. The unique graphic and martini blue and red stripes will keep heads turning at the park.
This signature deck is designed to suit Cody Flom's huge demands needed to help him excel to win and improve his personal riding, so you can be sure that this deck is suited to all of your needs.
I have said these things to you, that in me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation. But take heart; I have overcome the world.
- John - 16:33
Specifications of Cody Flom V3 Signature Scooter Deck:
- Weight - 1.45kg
- Length - 20.5in
- Width - 4.8in
- Max Wheel Size - 110mm x 24mm
- Headtube Angle - 82.5 Degrees
- Includes Brake, rear axle and grip tape
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